Monday, February 1, 2010

Trail Running Take 2

For our second trail running shoot Hil, Anne and I headed up to Lake Fork trail outside of Red Lodge to attempt to run (and take pictures) in snowshoes.

For this picture my camera was in landscape mode with the flash on full power and f-stop of 4.0 and a shutter speed of 1/400 sec. I was hoping that the flash would light Hil up, but keep the background darker, but it didn't work as well as I had hoped. I did like the contrast between the red jacket and dark trees though.

This picture was taken on the same settings and at the same location, but I let Hil get closer to me. I wanted to get a shot that didn't have the subject right in the middle of the frame. I like the effect, except the background snow is overexposed and she's looking down (which was better than her looking at me and falling over).

By the time we moved on the sun had disappeared for good and we had moved back into the trees, which made lighting even more difficult. For this picture I switched my camera into manual and had an f-stop of 4.0 and a shutter speed of 1/500 sec and the flash set to full power. I still wanted the lit up subject with a darker background, but I was also trying to play with the angles of Anne, the bridge and the trees in the background. I like how the diagonals worked, but Anne is not as bright as I would have liked.

This photo was taken with the camera set to manual, the f-stop at 4.0, the shutter speed at 1/160 sec with full flash. It was cropped from part of a larger image that I didn't particularly like, but we had talked about sharpness and blurriness in class, and I liked the contrast between the one sharp foot and the blurry foot.

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